Robert Ethier has been Vice President, Market Operations at ISO New England since July 2014. In this role he oversees the day-ahead and real-time markets, the Forward Capacity Market auctions, the Forward Reserve Auction, Financial Transmission Rights auctions, resource registration, market settlements, market analysis, and customer service and training. From July 2008 until July 2014 he was Vice President, Market Development. At that time Bob was responsible for the design and development of wholesale electricity markets and oversaw the functions of Wholesale Markets Strategy, Demand Resources Strategy, NEPOOL Markets Committee coordination, and Market Rules Integration. Dr. Ethier previously served as the Director of Resource Adequacy and Director of Market Monitoring. He also led the ISO’s efforts to implement the initial Forward Capacity Auction. Prior to joining ISO New England, Dr. Ethier consulted for Stratus Consulting Inc. and Hagler Bailly Consulting, Inc. He has authored papers on electricity price volatility, electricity auctions, and asset valuation, including papers in The Energy Journal, Land Economics, and the Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. Dr. Ethier has a B.A. in Economics from Yale University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Economics from Cornell University.